Sunday, June 29, 2008

Grove St Cemetery

I stopped by the grove st cemetery for the first time (sad, I know) after going to the gym today. Walking around, on this beautiful sunny afternoon, I couldn't help but sense this poignant, almost tangible aura of history. We forget about these people, most of them, anyhow, and yet their lives were as meaningful and pressing and full as my own. Life is precious, of course, that's not really what I mean, though - more that I should enjoy life with some perspective, realizing that I should do everything to the fullest for my own sake, perhaps, so

I'm not sure exactly, but it made me know that I'm not afraid of dying, it's not such a sad thing, especially if your name is carved somewhere; and in the mean time, I was reminded of how lovely it is to be alive and still have this sense of urgency and worry and joy, to not yet have any sense of resignation to death, to continue to feel young and invincible! what a gift.

I kept on noticing how couples often die within months of each other. One guy had two wives, both named Sarah, both buried next to him. The first died at age 35, the second at 70-something.

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