Monday, June 23, 2008

How Liberal Arts Saved the World

From Harvard's Drew Faust's commencement speech:
A liberal education demands that you live self-consciously. It prepares you to seek and define the meaning inherent in all you do. It has made you an analyst and critic of yourself, a person in this way supremely equipped to take charge of your life and how it unfolds. It is in this sense that the liberal arts are liberal — as in liberare — to free. They empower you with the possibility of exercising agency, of discovering meaning, of making choices. The surest way to have a meaningful, happy life is to commit yourself to striving for it. Don’t settle. Be prepared to change routes. Remember the impossible expectations we have of you, and even as you recognize they are impossible, remember how important they are as a lodestar guiding you toward something that matters to you and to the world. The meaning of your life is for you to make.

Also, JK Rowling gave a great speech about imagination - not creativity, but the ability to empathize, to imagine the lives of others and take action using the great privelege and resources afforded Ivy Leaguers.

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